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Olive harvest: a family tradition

From the traditional ritual to modern quality

Hardened hands of zealous workers, heavy sheets spread under the trees since dawn, heat of the fire that melts the morning frost, scent of fresh olives in the air: the olive harvest is an ancient ritual, a celebration of the land and its fruits.


They were groups of five people, distributed under the shade of the olive trees. While four climbed with the skill of true tightrope walkers between the branches, one collected the precious ones olives from the lower parts of the tree.


The tools were simple: a ladder, heavy sheets on which the olives fallen from rubbing found their first home. This dance between man and tree, coordinated by the guardian of the land, began with the first light of dawn and lasted for six hours, in perfect harmony with the nature.

In these moments of laborious devotion, even the littlest ones had a role: collect olives escape the sheets. And while the fingers froze on the cold December mornings, the lit fires became small oases of warmth, around which the crowd gathered. family.


The women, the soul of the house and the land, arranged the cloths and collected the olives, when they were not immersed in preparing the food. And then there was that special moment, when everyone stopped for breakfast. Bread toasted on the stove and seasoned with "cumbost", a tasty mix of peppers, celery, garlic, extra virgin olive oil and parsley. 


Over time, tradition and innovation have merged: from small rakes, to sticks, to modern shakers. In every drop of Credo, there is the essence of this story, of this land, of this family. 


Credo However, it doesn't just stop at tradition: although hand-picking has gradually given way to modernity, the essence of this ritual has remained unchanged, always guaranteeing an olive oil of excellent quality.

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